Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thing #15 Web 2.0, Library 2.0 and the Library of the Future.

Can we think about or ponder the future of libraries or the library's future without considering present and future modes of communication? Modes of communication are books, telephones, ipods, GPS, OnStar, computers, etc. etc., etc. If we are going to adequately assist our patrons, we are going to have to stay abreast of technology developments.

Who are the Gate Keepers? What organized library organization or entity is watching technology trends, such as when will next generations computers hit the market and how will they impact the library services and programs? Where is the five or ten year plan that communicates this amongst other things.

Where is the continuity? Some libraries are using and facilitating the use of Web 2.0 tools while others are not. Do we need a governing body with decision-making authority to ensure continuity. This applies to all areas of librarianship.

Is it time for us to reconsider how we are governed? Is it time for librarian's to be governed under a corporate or business model? Entities that know their value or that they add value and hence plan strategically to survive.

1 comment:

VWB said...

You (and I and the rest of our group) are very lucky to be working under the "direction" of one of the gate keepers who is looking ahead to see what is coming. Reading the blogs of gatekeepers since as Blue Skunk and 2 Cents, etc. is anotehr way. Aren't we lucky we have access to their ideas!