Monday, July 28, 2008

Thing #10 Online Image Generators

I was able to use comic strip generator but others such as Fake Magazine Cover and Fake Body, I was not as there was a long waiting line. I found it neat that they tell you how many people are currently waiting to create thier product. This would be a problem for classes like 5th grade who could use Fake Magazine covers to make U.S. government history figures or use Fake Body to put thier faces on the body of a historical figure. Having to wait would be a problem. Given this, perhaps they'd make good homework projects.


Nice Guy said...

Why did you have to wait to create a free image @ Just right click to download the image ("Save image as") or is there a problem with the server? Maybe a firewall problem at school (may be clocking sponsor ads, that would slow things down a bit)...

Screen Saver said...

Thanks nice guy. I was finally able to upload a photo. It took a while. But once uploaded, I was able to select a template and get going. Thanks for surfing and seeing a damsel in distress.