Sunday, June 22, 2008

Habits Hardest and Easiest to Accomplish

I like a tutorial that makes you think, personally. After viewing 7 1/2 habits, I thought about who I am and what makes me tick. In doing so, I was able to narrow down what about my personality and experiences makes which habit easiest or hardest to achieve.

The habit easiest to achieve is habit #2, "accept responsibility for your own learning." This is what I practice and preach. Having difficulty with math during my college days helped develop this habit. I wanted to do well in this particularly subject area and understood its significance so I taught myself what the professors or high school teachers could or did not. It was a rewarding experience. I use it now to remind patrons that they can be equally satisfied.

The hardest habit would be #7, "teach or mentor others." I would want to be successful in my parting of knowledege. This would require alloting an adequate amount of time towards preparation. Time is what I don't have a lot of. I guess I'm thinking too formal when I would probably be just as successful doing something informal. See what time does to my thinking.

1 comment:

Grendel said...

Welcome, player! Glad to read that you got your blog up and running! I can tell that your blog will be full of personal insights, and I look forward to reading it!